Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1728

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502490065

Image 65 of 8826th February 1728

surprize & withoutgiveingany notice given
to the petrs. get their accounts allowed by sr
Thomas Jones< no role > Knt . & Leonard Streat< no role > Esqr . two of
his Maties. Justices of the peace of this County
wherein they have got all the said allowance
to be made to them as charged in the sd. account
And that the said parish is a very small parish
consisting of one hundred & thirty houses or
thereabouts, And notwithstanding the poors Rate
for the yeare one thousand seven hundred
& twenty six was double to what it used to
be informer yeares yet the petrs. are told the
said parish is above one thousand pounds
in debt, which has been treated within these
four or five yeares last past, and a poors
Rate is threatned to be made for discharge
thereof soe that the petrs. will be obliged to quitt
their habitacons or be utterly undone, And
that the petrs. therefore appealed against the
allowance of the said accounts, And prayed
tothat they might be releived as to this
Court should seem meet, the matter of
which appeale was appointed to be heard &
determined by this Court on this present
Thursday the eighteenth day of January
instant , Now upon heareing to what was
alledged by Councell for the petrs. and alsoe
by Councell for the said William Barber< no role > &
Lawrence Lidgett< no role > touching the premisses
It is Ordered by this Court that the hearing
& determining of the matter of the sd. peticon
& appeale be adjourned untill Monday the
twenty sixth day of February next at ten of
the clock in the forenoon, And that the said
William Barber< no role > & Lawrence Lidgett< no role > doe
then attend and produce before this Court
at the same time their said accounts soe
allowed as aforesaid and alsoe their particular

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