Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1728

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502490060

Image 60 of 8820th December 1727

Ad General Quarterial al Session pacis Dni
Regis tent p Com Middx apnd Hicks hall in
St. John Street in Com prd. p adjorn die Jovis
scilt decimo octavo die Januar anno regin
Dni Georgy scdi nunc Regis Magne Britannie
Etc primo coram Johe Milner< no role > Robto Thornhill< no role >
Rico Gifford< no role > Will Ellis< no role > Aris & al socy sins
Justic dci Dni Regis ad pacem in Com prd.
conservand necron ad divers felon tusgr &
al malefenta in eodem Com ppetrat
audiend & terminand assign Etc

Whereas the Overseer of the poor & the rest of
the Inhabitants of the precinct of White
Fryers London exhibited their humbly peticon
& appeale unto this Court at this present
Generall Quarter Sessions of the peace holden
for the County of Middx on Monday the
fifteenth day of January instant setting forth
that by vertue of a warrant under the hands
& seales of two of his Maties. Justices of the peace
for the sd County of Middx (Quorum unus) bearing
date the twentyeth day of December one thousand
seven hundred & twenty seven Alice Hill< no role > widow
of James Hill< no role > & her two children (vizt.) Elizabeth< no role >
aged about eighteen yeares & Rebecca< no role > aged
about sixteen yeares were sent & removed from
the parish of St. James Clerkenwell in the County
of Middx unto the Precinct of white Fryers
London alledgeing the petrs. said precinct of white
Fryers to be their last, legall settlement, And
that the petrs. conceiving themselves aggreived
by the Judgmt. of the said two Justices did
appeale to this Court therein, which appeale was
appointed to be heard & determined by this Court

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