Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

August 1733

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502940034

Image 34 of 13715th September 1733

When these Deponts were informed that their Recognizances were
estreated by Reason that ye said Indictmt, was not discharged & that
they had forfeited & mast pay yeseveral Sumes of money in, which,
they had severally become bound as aforesd. Unless they Could procure
ye said Indictmts in due Course of Law to be discharged And this
Depont. John Cooke< no role > for himself saith, that some time after he had
enterd into Recognizance as aforesd. ye. said Moses Peters< no role > Mett & told
this Depont. That he had withdrawn ye. Recognizances & said that
this Depont ought to give him, something for it & he demanding
half a Crown & a Bottle of wine which, this Deponts. readily and
willingly gave him, And these Deponts. James Bradley< no role > & John
< no role > jointly & severally further say that (after Notice to them, of
their Recognizances being estreated & being advised as aforesaid)
they these Deponts. inquired after ye. said Moses Peters< no role > to have known
of him how it so happend But he having some time before that
absconded these Deponts. cannot come at ye Speech of him, But they
having heard that ye. said Bassett ye prosecutor was a Seafareing
person, & having received some flight Intelligence that several
person, of ye Name of Bassett lived near Executiom Dock in Wapping
these Deponts. on ye. sixteenth Day of this instant August went Thither
And upon inquiring at diverse places & of diverse Inhabitants
there & thereabouts could not hear of any of that Name But at last
happen'd to meet with A person who informed these Deponts that
he had known one Henry Bassett< no role > A Sea fareing person , who had
formerly lodged at ye. House of one Mr. Negus a Cooper in
Brewe house Lane Wapping whither these Depont. being conducted
by A Boy went directly And on discourse with Mr. Negus ye. said
Henry Bassett< no role > who had lodged there appear'd to be ye prosecutor of
ye. said Indictmt. And ye. rather for that ye. said Mrs. Negus told
these Deponts. that She had heard ye. said Bassett speak of One
Sage A Coach-man whom he had indicted for an Assault And,
further told these Deponts. that ye. said Lammas (who at the
said Bassett's Request had served ye. said Warant upon the
Defendt Sage) lived but a little way from thence And these
Deponts. went to him, & he acknowledged that he (at the said
Bassetts request & on his promise of Indempnity) had served ye
said warant on ye said Defendt Sage But ye said Lammas say'd
he knew nothing of ye. said Bassett otherwise than (as being A
Sea fareing person) that he at that time lodged at ye said Mr
Negus's & ye. said Lammas complain'd that he had not been
handsomly used by ye. said Bassett And ye. said Mrs. Negus
afterwards further told these Deponts. yt. ye said Henry Bassett< no role >
went a broad or to Sea soon after ye. Said Warant was served
as aforesd. & at his going away said he would return in, Six
Week's time But (to her knowledge) had not been seen or heard
of from that time (being at least two Years) till, about a Month,
before ye time of these Deponts inquiring after him when ( as
she further told these Deponts.) ye. said Henry Bassett< no role > ( as he
had left Word in her Absence) had called there & taken away
some things belonging to him, which he left & had been there

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