Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

August 1733

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502940050

Image 50 of 13727th November 1728

This Indenture Witnesseth
that John Nutting< no role > son of John Nutting< no role > [..] Dow [..] put
himselfe Apprentice to Francis Martin< no role > of the Parish of St James Westmr .
Painter stayner And with him after the manner of an Apprentice to serve from
the Day of the Date hereof unto the full end and terms of
Seven Years from there next ensuing fully lobs compleat and endeevering
which terms the said Apprentice his Sd Master faithfully shall and will serve
his se [..] ets keep his Lawfull Commands every where gladly doe He shall doe no
damage to his sd Master nor see it lobs done of others but to his power shall
let or forthwith give notice to his sd Master of the some The goods of his sd
master he shall not waste nor the same without Lywme of him to any give or lend
Hurt to his sd Master he shall not doe cause or procure to be done he shall [..]
neither buy nor sell without his Masters Lywme Taverns Inns, or Alehouses.
He shall not haunt at Cards due, Tables, or any other unlawfull Games He shall
not play Fountacon Comitt nor Matrimony Contract [..] nor from
the servne of his sd Master day nor night absent himselfe but in all things
as an honest and faithfull Apprentice shall and will demean and behave him
selfe towards her sd Master and all his during the sd terms. And the said
Master [..] in consideration of the Summ of Thirty Six pennes Fifteen shs.
of lawfull Money of Great Britain to him in hand well and truly paid by Nicholas
[..] Father [..] of the said Apprentice (The Receipt whereof is her by
acknowledged) said Apprentice in the art mistory or occupation of a Painter
Stainer [..] which he now useth shall teach and instruct or cause to be
taught & instructed the best way and manner that He san Finding & Allowing
[..] to his said apprentice by [..] at wholsom meat Drink Washing Lodging
[..] other necessaryes During the said tex [..] (Except Appear [..]
[..] saryes to wear The which is to be found & provided by the said
Saith Gardner and for the true performance of all and every the Sd Covenants
and agrements either of the Sd parties above Said vinddth himself unto the other
firmly by these prsents In Mitnesse whereof the sd parties to these Indentures
Interchangeably have Sett their hands and Seals theTwenty Seventh
day of November in the Second [..] yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereign
Lord George the Secondby the grace
of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the faith & r Annok
Dom 1728 .

Seales & Delivered
being only Stampt
In the prsence of }
Nicholas Garoner< no role >

Sam Edwards< no role >

Frans Martin< no role >

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