Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

August 1733

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502940060

Image 60 of 1377th July 1733

To the Worshipful the Justices of the peace at the
General [..] Sessions of the peace now holden at Hicks's
Hall in St. John Street in & for the County of Middlesex .

The humble Petition of James Nicholson< no role > &
Patrick Christian< no role > two Prisoners in Tuttle Fields
Bridewell wth. in the Liberty of Westmr.

Humbly. Shewth.

That on the Seventh Day of July last yr. Petrs. were comitted
to & have ever since remained in the Sd. Prison [..] being charged on
Suspition of being guilty of [..] ddomatical Practices near Pancrass
(within the County of Middx , & not in the Liberty of Westmr .) a
Crime which your Petrs. utterly abhorr.

That had yr Petrs. been brot. to Tryal they could have [..]
procured several Persons of undoubted Reputation to have given
them a good Charecter, wth. yr Petrs. have hitherto deserved.

That yr. Petrs. were before their Confinemt. but in low
Circumstances but by their long Imprisonment for 10. Weeks
are reduced to a very miserable Condition, & no Indictmt. being
preferred agt. them

Yr. Petrs. therefore humbly May, That yr
Worships will be pleased to Order That the
Keeper of the Sd. Prison shall bring yr. Petrs. [..]
before yr worships at the Goal Delivery for yr
Sd. County.

And yr Petrs. shall ever pray Etc.

James Nicholson< no role >
Patrick Christian< no role >

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