Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

August 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503030060

Image 60 of 10117th August 1734


John Smith< no role >

Whereas Complaint hath been
made unto us two of his Majties: Justices
of the Peace for the sd County (one being of the
Quorum) by the Churchwardens and
Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint
John of Wapping in the Said County that
Mary Branklin< no role > the wife of Samuel Barnklin
Virtner and One Child named Hannah Barklin< no role >
aged about Two years and a half the lawfull
Issue of the Said Samuel and Mary Branklin< no role > have
lately come into the said Paish
contrary to Law And that they
are likely to be Chargeable to the sd:
ParishWee the Sd: Justices upon
Examination of the Premises and of the
said Mary Branklin< no role > upon Oath do
Adjudge the Same to be Legal And that
the last Place of the Legall Settlement
of the Sd: Samuel Branklin< no role >
is in the Parish of Saint
Clement Danes in the County of Middlesex and that
his Said wife and Child (in Eight of him) ought
by Law to be sent thither

Henry Dodson< no role >

These are therefore in
his Majties: Name to Command You on Sight
hereof to remove and Convey the Sd: Mary
< no role > and Hannah Branklin< no role > her Child
from and out of the Said Parish of Saint upon
of Wapping to the Sd: Parish of Saint
Clements Dane and deliver them to the
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor there
or to one of them who are hereby required
to receive and Provide for themaccording
to Law Given under our Hands & Seals
the 17thday of August Ano Din1734.

To the Churchwardens andOverseers of the Poor of the
Parish of Saint John of Wapping in the County of Middlesex
And to the Churchwardens andOverseers of the Poor of the
Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the Said County

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