Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

August 1734

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503030090

Image 90 of 10114th September 1734


At the Generall Sessions of the peace of Our Sovereign Lord the King held
for the County of Middlesex at Hicks Hall in St. John Street in the said
County by Adjornment on Saturday the Fourteenth day of September
in the Eighth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Second
of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith

House of Correction

Anne Price< no role >
Margaret Chapman< no role >
Poor Elizabeth Pointer< no role >
Poor Mary Clarke< no role >
Thomas Eyres< no role >
Poor John Harrold< no role >
Poor Susannah Harrold< no role >
Poor Mary Miller< no role >
Elizabeth Stapleton< no role >
Elizabeth Anderson< no role >
Poor Elizabeth Ellis< no role >
Amey Griffiths
Elizabeth Betham
Poor Mary Cowslip
Thomas Tey
Poor Mary Andrews< no role > otherwise Bilton
Poor Martha Cheney
Mary Miller< no role >
Elizabeth Butler< no role >
Elizabeth Finchman
Poor Mary North< no role >
Poor Mary Dubberly
Elizabeth Ward< no role >
Poor Mary Francisco
Margaret Bolton< no role >
William Hart< no role >
Mary [..] Cole< no role >
Eleanor Baxter< no role >

All to be Delivered out of the House of
Correccon at Clerkenwell in this
County Paying their Fees Severally 1s.

Joseph Lucas< no role >

is referred to Mr. Phillips to continue Bail or discharge as he Shall
think fitt when Delivered to pay 1s.

Timothy Cannon< no role >
James Joyce< no role >

are Preferred to Richd. Farmer< no role > Esqr . to continue Bail or
Discharge as he Shall think fitt when Delivered to Pay [..]
Severally 1s.

Hannah Whitman< no role >
Katherine Barrett< no role >
Ann Smallwood< no role >
Barbara Minikin< no role >

are ordered to be kept in the House of Correccon aforesaid to hard labour for the Space of 14 Days
then to be Delivered paying their Fees Severally 1s.

Mary Allen< no role >

is ordered to be kept to hard Labour [..] in the House of Correccon .
aforesaid for the Space of Seven Days then to be Delivered
Paying her Fees 1s.

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