Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

August 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503030095

Image 95 of 10114th September 1734

Edmund Togewll< no role > [..]
Sarah Dunbar< no role > &
Rowland Kendrick< no role > .

who have Severally pleaded not Guilty to an
Indictment agt. them for an Assault are to fined
Sufficient Sureties for their personall appearance
respectively at the next Generall Quarter Sessions of
to be holden for this County to the their Severall towards
upon the said Indictmt. To Remain till they find Such
Sureties then to be Delivered paying their Fees
Togwell's Fees are 7s. Dunbar's Fees are [..]
and Kendrick Fees are4s 8d7s.

Hanah Baker< no role >

who hath pleaded Not Guilty to an Indictment agt. her for [..]
upon one Mary Harwood< no role > Widow and hath ag [..]
not Guilty to another Indictment agt. her for an [..]
upon one Mary Bibby< no role > Spr Is to find Suffiient [..]
her personall Appearance at the next Generall
Session of the Peace to be holden for this County to [..]
Severall traverses upon the said Indictment To the [..]
she find Such Sureties then to be Delivered paying her [..]
on each Indictmt. 4s 8d in all 9s.4d.

Anne Carter< no role >

who hath confessed to an Indictment agt. her for [..]
She is to be Delivered paying her Fees 4 [..]
by the Court
We [..]


At the Sessions of Oyer and Terminer upon [..]
the King held for the County of Middlesex at [..]
St. John Street in the sd. County by Adjornment [..]
Saturday the Fourteenth day of September [..]
year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord Ought [..]
of Great Britain France and Ireland King [..]

John Oneal< no role >

who was tired and Convicted upon an Indictment agt. him & two other [..]
a trespass and Misdemeanor In transporting and [..]
transported Fo [..] Men of his Majesties Subjects to [..]
France in par [..] ond the Seas with Intent to Cause [..]
Four Men to Serve as Soldiers in the Service [..]
French KingAndfor his sd. OffencebeingFined [..]
And is ordered to be Delivered out of New Prison at [..]
in this County And is Comitted to his Majesties Goat [..]
there to be Imprisoned with [..] Bail or Martin [..]

(turn over)

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