Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1736

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503190153

Image 153 of 163

To the Church wardens & Overseers of the
poor of the parish of Harlington in the
County of Middlesex

Middlesex ss

Tho. Blencowe< no role >

Geo: Tash< no role >

Whereas Complaint hath been made Upon Oath unto
us two of his Majestyes Justices of the peace
for the said County of Middlesex Quorum
Unus by the Church Wardens & Overseers of
the poor of the said parish of Harlington for
That Thomas Osborne is Run Away
from his place of abode in the said parish
& left Hester< no role > his wife & one Child there
behind him who are become Chargeable
to the said parish of Harlington And
that the said Thomas Osborne< no role > hath Lands
in the Same parish now Rented by one
William Newman< no role > at the yearly Rent of
Eight Shillings and hath severall Goods
Bedds & Pewter in the Same parish in the
possession of Thomas Withall< no role > in the Same
parish Therefore Upon appliacon to us made
by the said Church Wardens & Overseers
of the poor [..] do hereby order direct & authorize them to take Seize & Receive the
Annuall Rents & profitts of the said [..]
Lands amounting to Eight shillings a year
together with all the said Goods for and
towards the Charge of Bringing Up and
providing for the said Hester the Wife of
the said Thomas Osborne< no role > & his Children
pursuant to the Act of Parliamt. in that
Case made & provided Given Under our
hands & seals the 18th day of May 1736

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