Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1747

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503820041

Image 41 of 12428th July 1747

To William Wigsdan< no role > of the Parish
of Saint Martins in the Fields

Westminster }
to wit:

WHEREAS Complaint hath been exhibited to
me, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace ,
forthe County of Middlesex and also for
the City and Liberty
of Westminster , byWilliam Lake< no role >
That you upon the22d.Day ofJuly Instant
at the Parish of St. Martins in the Fields
in theCity and Liberty of Westminster
did drive a Cart loaded with and containing a Quantity of
Coals exceeding eight Bushel, to wit the Quantity ofTwenty
Bushel froma place call'd Durham Yard
in the Parish ofSt. Martins in the Fields aforesaid
within the saidCity and Liberty of Westminster
the Duty of Four-pence by the Chaldron, being not paid,
and without your having any Paper Writing, or Ticket sing'd
try any principal Land Coal-Meter, and countersign'd by
any Labouring Coal-Meter, who attended to deliver the
said Coals, and give such Paper Writing, or Ticket therewith
as by the said Act is directed, and that by Reason thereof
you have forfeited the Sum of five Pounds of lawful Money
of Great-Britain, One Moiety thereof to the Use of the said
William Lake< no role > and the other Moiety thereof
to the Use of the Poor of the said Parish ofSt. Martins
in the Fields aforesaid
(wherein the said Offence was committed) according to the
Direction of the Statute in that Case made and provided

and by the said Complaint the saidWilliam Lake< no role >
having pray'd Judgement in the Premises, and that I will
proceed thereupon according to Law, and that one Moiety of
the said Forfeiture may be adjudged to the saidWilliam
< no role > and the other Moiety of the said For-
feiture may be adjudged to the Poor of the said Parish of
St. Martins in the Fields according to the Form of the
Statute in such Case made and provided; I do therefore hereby
require you to appear before me at [..]
[..] Parish of St. Paul Covent Gargen
onThursday nextbetween the
Hours ofNine and Ten in the forenoon
on the same Day, and answer the said Premises, and make
your Defence thereto. GIVEN under any Hand
the28th. Day ofJuly1747

Tho: Burdus< no role >

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