Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1747

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503820081

Image 81 of 12410th December 1747

To the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor of Ye. Parish
of St. Mary Le Bone in the County of Middx And to Mr.
John Austin< no role > Clerk of the Vestry of the said parish

You are hereby required to produce at the General Sessions
the Peace to be holden by adjournment at Hicks Hall in
John Street in & for the County of Middx on Thursday Next
the 10th. day of December Instant at ten of the Clock in the fore
noon (that being the day appointed for hearing & Deterrm
ing the Appeale of the Churchwardens Overseers of the [..]
of the Parish of St. Pancras in the said County against an
Order under the Hands & Seals of two of It is Majesty's [..]
Justices of the peace for the said County whereby Peter [..]
was removed from the said parish of St. Mary Le Bone
the said parish of St. Pancras as the place of his last leg [..]
Settlement) the Indenture of Apprenticeship by which the
Peter Turvie< no role > bound himself Apprentice to one Thomas [..]
of kentish town in the said parish of St. Pancras Carry
And likewise the Indre of Apprentiship whereby the [..]
Peter bound himself Apprentice for the term of Seven
to one John Steemson< no role > or Stimson< no role > of the parish of
Westmr .
Carpenter both which sd. Indres of Apprenticeship
now in the Custody of you or some of you Dated the 8th

Humphy. Elmes< no role > Sollr . for the A [..]

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