Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503890046

Image 46 of 1683rd October 1748

To the Worshipfull the Chairman and the Rest of the Justices
Assembled at the General Quarter Session of the Peace now holden at Hicks
Hall in St John Street in and for the County of Middlesex .

The Humble Petition of John Tristram< no role > .

That your Petr. being a poor Person was at the Age of Thirteen Yrs.
on the fourth Day of August One Thousand Seven hundred and Forty two
by are with the Convent of the then Church Wardens and Overseers of the
poor of the parish of Saint Luke in this County bound to Thomas Barnf [..]
of the said Parish and County Butcher to Serve him as an Apprentice
until your Petr. Should attain the Age of Twenty four years to learn
the Art and Mistary of a Butcher .

That soon after the time of your Petrs. being so bound an Apprentice
until this time the said Thomas Barnfather< no role > hath frequently in a Cruel
and Barbarows manner Boat and threatned your Petitioners life and
hath Declared that he never will instruct or learn your Petr. his Trade
or Business of a Butcher and that on Monday the Third of October inst [..]
the said Barnfather being one of the Constables of the said Parish of Saint
Luke without any Cause or Authority whatsoever put your Petitioner
into the Cage belonging to the said Parish and kept him all Night
Confined in the Cold the Endangering your Petitioners life

Your Petitioner therefore humbly Prays
that he may be discharged from his said Apprenticeship
or that the said Thomas Barnfather< no role > may by Order
of this Court be Compelled to turn your Petitioner
over for the Remainder of the time to come of the
said Indenture to some Person of the same Trade
that is Capable of Instructing your Petr. there [..]

And Your Petrs. as in Duty bound Shall ever Pray.

John [mark] Tristram< no role >

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