Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1748

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503900104

Image 104 of 145

The King Agt. Elizabeth Watson< no role >

Elizabeth Watson< no role > the Deft in this Cause Maketh Oath & Saith
That she is the Identical Person named in this Indictment And
doth admitt that she was transported as the Indictment charges
And that About Three Years ago this Depont. took shipping & went
from Philadelphia to Jamaica And in the Passage was taken prisoner
by a Spanish Man of Warr and sent Prisoner to St. Sebastians Where
She remained for almost a year And that then this Depont. was putt
on Board the Sea Nymplt Captain Taylor Commander along with many
other Prisoner & brought to Bristoll & there was changed for
Spanish Paisonen And this Depont further Saith That the sd: Captain
John Taylor< no role > Commander of the Sea Nagmph aforesd; George Williams< no role >
Mate of the said Ship James Carter< no role > one of the then Prisoners in the
said Ship and William Jones< no role > one other of the said Prisoners in the
Said Ship are Material Witnesses for her this Depont:
to prove the premisses aforesd. And without whose Testimony this
Depont: cannot proceed Safely to take her Tryall upon this
Indictment And this Depont. further Saith that Since her Committmt.
She hath been informed and believes it to be true that the Sd:Ship
called the Sea Nagmph and the said Taylor Williams Carter and
Jones are Saited and gone for Jamaica So that it is impossible
for this Depont: said Witneses to Attend at this present Sessions

Elizabeth [mark] Watson< no role >

Sworne at Justicehall in the
Old Bayley on Wednesday ye
Seventh Day of December

By the Court

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