Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1760

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504880082

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Midx: ss.

The Informations of John Carver< no role > and Joseph
< no role > [..] John Dowdeswell< no role > taken before me one of his Majestys
Justices of the Peace in and for the sd: County

Who being severaly on Oath say and first this Infort:
John Carver for him saith that on Empty House belonging
to this Informt: in the Parish of Hondon in the Sd. County
was Broke open, as this Informant beleives last night
and a Copper and the Iron belonging to the same Stole
thereout and the sd: Joseph [..] Aldwin< no role > for himself
saith that this morning about two o'Clock this Informt:
stopt a person now present in the Parish of Hampstead
in the Sd: County, who calls himself Thomas Allen< no role > and the
Sd: Allen then had a Copper and Iron Work as this Informt
beleives belonging to the Sd: Copper in a Sack, and this
Informt: suspecting the same to be Stolen questioned the
Sd Allen how he came by the Sd. [..] things the Sd: Allen
answered that they were his own property and that he
had removed them to prevent his Landlord seiring them
or woods to that effect, and the sd:Thos.John Dowdeswell for himself saith that the
Sack taken upon the sd: Allen is the property of this Infort:
and was sent by him to the Sd: John Carver with Malt
to the house abovementioned And the Sd John Carver for
himself further saith the Sd: Copper and Iron is the
property of this Informt: and Stolen as above mentioned
and as he beleives by the Sd: Allen,

Sworn before me
the 29th Oct 1760

Saunders Welch< no role >

John Carver
The [mark] of
Joseph Aldwin< no role >
John Dowdeswell< no role >

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