Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1760

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504880077

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The Information Susannah Sansom & Henry Stockdall< no role > taken
before me one of his Majestys Justices of
the Peace for the sd County.

Who being severally on Oath say & first this Ins Susannah
< no role > for herself saith that about Five Weeks ago a person
now present who calls herself Ann Cook< no role > took a ready furnish'd
Lodging of this Ins. and last night this Ins discovered to have been
stole from her sd. Lodgings a Sheet and this Ins thereon
Apprehended the sd. Ann and she then confessed the taking the
same and pawning it with the other Ins And this Ins Henry
< no role > for himself saith that about Three Weeks ago
he took into pawn of the sd. Ann a Sheet now
produced by him & this Ins Susanh for herself saith
that the sd. Sheet now Produced by the other Ins. is
the property of this Ins and taking from the sd Lodgings
as she bels. by the sd. Ann Cooke< no role >

Sworn the 31st. day of
October 1760 before me}

Saunders Welch< no role >

Susanna Sansom< no role >
Henry Stockdall< no role >

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