Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1760

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504880091

Image 91 of 171

Thursd 23d.

Matters for the County Day Oct. 1760

Read and Confirmed
a New Rate of £1000 Order'd

Commee's Report of Treasurers Accots.
Ballance remaing of County Rate £104.1.6¾
of County Rents 12,,9,,6½

To be pd when
Money in Trears hand

Mr. Umfreville the Coroner 's Accot. of Inquistion
Amots. to £51.15,,3.

The like

Mr. Grew's Accot.


The like

Mr. Feary's Accot.


To be pd

Henry Walbancks< no role > Accot. of
of Allee to Vagrts}

s d


His Accot. of Work done.

To be pd.

Willm Sheldon< no role > 's Bill for postg
up Orders Etc.}

£3.9. -

To be pd.

James Sturges< no role > Adams his Accot.
for Subsisting Vagrants}


No Commee Day appointed as yet
A New Masts. Ordd
Inspn. of Order abt. High Court

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