Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1773

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS506340121

Image 121 of 298


Munday agt Robt. Mi [..]
for an Assaultupon his Wife

James Read< no role > of the Parish of Saint Martin
in the Fields in the County of Middx Genld.
maketh Oath that he this Dept. became Bail
with one John Card< no role > of Dury Lane Taylor's Monds
for the above named Deft. Robt. Munday< no role > , that the
said Robt. Mundy< no role > is not to be found the this Dept.
has made all diligent enquiry and still continued
the same, therefore this Dept. humbly hopes the
Recognizance may stand over hill the first Day
of next Sessions, when this Dept. hopes to
produce the said Deft. Robt. Munday< no role > .

Sworn in Court this
23d. Day of Octr. 1773}


James head< no role >


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