Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1773

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LL ref: LMSMPS506340188

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To the Worshipfull the Bench of his
Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County
of Middlesex at Hicks's Hall

The Humble Petition of William Faulkner< no role >


That your Petitioner being a Watchman was
attending to aid and Assist at a fire in weston's Park
near Lincolns Inn fields And there then found a Person conceying
away in a felonous manner (as your Petitioner then Conceived
some few things which were dalned at Sixpence then Conceived
Petitioner was then bound over to Prosecute One John Lesuley< no role >
for the same at the next Session being Freely Sessions last
But your Petitioner not being Able to find any Owner or Owners
for the Abovementioned Goods, and being unacquainted with the
method and Notice of Prosecuting of Felons did not appear to
prosecute, thinking it not Necessary as he could find no owners
for the Goods, therefore Perfected to withdraw his recognizance
in [..] trely out of Ignorance and not out of any Content to this
Honourable Courts in Consequence of which the Sessions following
he was served with a Notice that his recognizance would be estreated
into the Court of Exchequer , to prevent which your Petitioner
made Application to this Worshipfull Bench by Petition in
April Sessions last when he was informed by his Worship
Mr. Justice Watch that the Bench had been pleased to Order the
recognizance to be withdrawn, and that they were accordingly
withdrawn But your Petitioner has been served this Session
with the like Order from the Deputy Clerk of the Peace that his
recognizance are forfeited And tha they with be Estreated into
the Court of Exchequer which your Petitioner Apprehends
to be being to some Mistake or Neglect to withdraw the
same then.

Dd this Recog.
Mr. Welch offering
the Truth of the Petr.
No fees

Your Petitioner therefore Humbly
prays that your Worships would be pleased to take
his Case and Situation in life into your kind Consideration
as he is only a watchman and a family to Maintain he
really is not able to Support the expence that will Attend
his recognizance being Estreated which would reduce
himself and family to the greatest Distress and Misery and
himself hopes your worships will be Pleased to Order his
recognizance to be withdrawn And Mr. Petitioner shall ever pray Etc

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