Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1773

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS506340198

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Name of the said Anthony Woodland< no role > giving your Petitioner Notice he would that Day bring to the Rotation Office the
said John Milton< no role > and your Petitioner having been thentofore during the said John Milton< no role > 's Confinement in
Bridewell harrassed with various Notices and Letters about the said John Milton< no role > and having sustained a
great Deal of [..] Trouble and Fatign [..] did not regard such Note but on the said Eleventh day of August
he received a Summons under the Hands and Seals of the said Burford Camper< no role > and John Sherwood< no role > Esqrs: setting
forth that Information and Complaint had been made to them by the said John Milton< no role > that your Petitioner the
said John Miltons master had abuse and ill treated him and particularly for violently and cruelly
beating him Contrary to the Statute Etc: and thereof requiring your Petitioner to Personally appear before
them or such other his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County as should be Assembled at the Angel
and Crown Tavern in Whitechapel in the County aforesaid on the Saturday then next to answer the Promises as
the Law directs and also to shew Cause why he (meaning the said John Milton< no role > ) should not be discharged
from your Petitioner and from the Indenture by which he was bound

That your Petitioner attended with his Witnesses at the Time and Place abovementioned when the aforesaid
Burford Camper and John Sherwood< no role > Esqrs . did proceed to hear and examine the Matter of the said Complains
and finding that the said John Milton< no role > had not returned to his Master after his Discharge from the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell as aforesaid and that the pretended Complaint so made by the said John Milton< no role >
was founded on a Charge of Facts protended to have been committed antecedent to the said Justices hearing
examining and determining the said compliant first mentioned and their Commitment to Bridewell were inclined to dismiss
and had dismissed the said Complaint and to order the said John Milton< no role > to return to his Master as in Law he
[..] to do But the said John Milton< no role > then starting a new Matter of Complaint not mentioned in the Summons and
as your Petitioner is advisor was not then before them but which your Petitioner was able by the most
[..] have co [..] ted if he had Notice thereof and the sa [..] ed not been entered into by Surprise
of [..] such as lay [..] House and [..]
[..] from his service Day and Night without lease and particularly on the Eighth day of June las [..]
[..] he Absented himself all Night of the said last mentioned day from his house without Your Petitioner
[..] ve whereupon Your Petitioner caused him to be apprehended by a Peace Officer on the Ninth day ofn
the said June and carried before the said John Sherwood< no role > Esqr . and Burford Camper Esqr. one
other of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County and before them made Complaint upon
Oath against the said John Milton< no role > touching and concerning the Misdemeanors Miscarriage and See
Behaviour of the said John Milton< no role > in your Petitioners Service when the said Justices did hear
examine and determine the same Complaint and did punish the said John Milton< no role > upon where finding
out no greater Sum than Five Pounds was said by Commitment to the House of Correction there to be held
to hard Labour for one Calendar Month Pursuant to the Statute in such made and provided from
Whence he was not discharged untill the Second July then following and now last past when your Petitioner
from Motives of Humanity only did apply for and obtain his Discharge before the Expiration of the Time for
which he was committed never the less the said John Milton< no role > did not return to your Petitioners House but has
since then totally absented himself therefrom and as your Petitioner is well informed and beleives has been detained
by his Father in Law Anthony Woodland< no role > contrary to your Petitioners Consent and regardless of your Petitioners.
repeated Demands of his return home under the Presence of the said John Miltons being so ill he could not be
Safely moved which Pretence your Petitioner has reason to believe to be fallacious for upon your Petitioners
making a Personal Demand of the said Anthony Woodland< no role > (at whose house he verily beleives the said
John Milton< no role > was then concealed) the said Anthony Woodland< no role > told your Petitioner on his asking the Question
that no Surgeon or Apothecary was employed and although your Petitioner gave the most solem [..]
Assurance that he had as the Truth was provided a [..] and would employ an Apothecary and all other
Assistance to Attend him and that all possible Care should be taken of him and desired the said John Milton< no role >
might be produced and cautioned the said Anthony Woodland< no role > against detaining him yet your Petitioner
was not permitted to see him not did the said John Milton< no role > return to your Petitioners House but absorted
himself and regardless of repeated Directions to the contrary continued to absent himself totally from your Petitioners
House and Business nor did your Petitioner of a Certainty know where he was concealed until on or about
the Eleventh day of August last when he received a Note or Paper Writing appearing to be signed with the


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