Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1776

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS506680072

Image 72 of 116

Hicks Hall

The King against Daniel Garrety< no role > (indicted by the
name of David Garatee< no role > ) on the Prosecution of
Mary Evans< no role > For an Assault

The abovenamed Defendant Daniel Garrety of Duke Street in the parish of
Saint James within the Liberty of Westminster in the County of Middlesex
Hair dresser and John Wilby< no role > of Berwick Street in the same Parish Clerk to Mr.
Benjamin Wilby< no role > Solicitor for the said defendant severally make Oath and
say and first the said Daniel Garrety for himself in the That the above
named Prosecutrix Mary Evans< no role > since the Commencement of this Prosecution
lived in the Capacity of a Servant with one Mr Jones of Great Poultney
Street in the said parish Musician but hath since quitted such Service
And the said Daniel Garrety further saith that sometime after the said
Prosecution was so commenced he had the said Prosecutrix's Directions or
authority (if he the said Daniel Garrety had any Thing to say or
communicate to her on Occasion of this prosecution) to direct to her at her
Sister one Mr. Evans who Lodges at a House in Markett Lane in the said
Parish or the said Defendant had Directions or authority from the said
Prosecutrix to such or the like Effect and the said Daniel Garrety
further saith that both before and since the Motion was made upon which
the annexed Order was obtained he the said Daniel Garrety hath made
frequent Inquiries after and used his utmost Endeavours to find out the
present Place of Residence of the said Prosecutrix but hath not been able
to find out the same and the said John Wilby< no role > for himself saith that he
the said John Wilby< no role > on Wednesday the Sixteenth day of October Instant did
leave true Copies of the Notice and order hereunto annexed with Mrs. Jones
the Wife of the said Mr. Jones at his House in Great Poultney Street aforesaid
and also like Copies thereof with the said Mrs. Evans at her said Lodgings in
Markett Lane aforesaid and did at the same Time shew to the said Mrs.
Jones and Mrs. Evans the said Original Order

Sworn in open Court the
19th. day of October 1776}


Daniel Garrety< no role >
John Wilby< no role >

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