Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1784

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507870295

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New Sessions House
October Sessions

To the Worshipfull William Manwaring< no role > Esqr
And the rest of this Majestys Justices of the
Peace in and for the County of Middlesex

The Petition of the Francis Willes< no role > Knt . One of
His Majestys Justices of the peace in and for the said
County of Middlesex


That the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of
the parish of Saint John Hampstead in the said County of Middlesex
having made an Assessment for the relief of the poor of the same
parish; and for the other purposes in the several Acts of parliament
mentioned relating to the Poor made and assessed the twenty fifth day of
September last, applied to your petitioner [..] as one of his
Majestys, Justices of the peace for this County [..] resident within
the said parish of saint John [..] for the allowance of the said rate
But in regard your petitioner thinking himself aggrevied
by such Rate he( [..] being an Occupier of an House and land
within the said Parish) [..] refused to allow the same, as it might
provant his right of appeal to the said Rate; but on one of
the Overseers representing to your Petitioner that great
inconvenience allowed, Your Petitioner was there up on prevailed to
sign the allowance of the said assessments at the same time
protesting against his own particular rate for the prenuces sccupied
by him, within the said parish

That the said overseers, at the tune of your Petitioners
signing such allowance of the said Asessment agreed to waire
all advantage that might be taken, to the allowance of the
said assessment, if your petitioner shod think proper to appear

Your Petitioner therefore Prays that
he may have such relief in the premises
as the Nature of the Case requires

And your Pet shall ever
pray Act

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