Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1786

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508120055

Image 55 of 156

To his Majesty's Justices of the peace
for the County of Middlesex

The Humble Petition of Richard Gurney< no role >


That your Petr was on the 20th of January 1783 Bound
Apprentice for Seven years to Joseph Baldwin< no role > of Rose
Street But since of Brick Lane Old Street to learn the
Art of a Tin plate worker On the usual Tenns of
being found in sufficient meat Drink and Lodging and
a premium of Ten Pounds Given, But your Petr has
been only Employed in One precarious branch of the
said Business during the time Elapsed, and he verily
believes if Continued in that branch only he shall
not be property Qualitied to get a livelihood, besides
which he has been Unreasonably beaten and obliged
to Work on Sundays, he has been very ill sed and with
two more Apprentices lodged in One bed with only one
Sheet and that unwashed for Eighteen [..] or Twenty
weeks together, The Family consisted of the master and
Mistress, two Brothers, five Apprentice Boys and a Girl
their living has been extremely irregular, a great deal
of Drinking and ill example Your Petitioner further
Represents that his said Master and Mistress and an
Apprentice Girl Absented themselves on the first day
of May last past, as Your Petitioner is informed
and believes On Account of Debt, the Business is since
Carried On by and in the Name of Edward Baldwin< no role > a
Butcher whereby your Petitioner is less likely to
learn his Trade than before

Therefore your Petitioner Most Humbly
Prays to be Discharged from his said
Master in Order to get himself a better
place, and your Petr shall ever Pray Etc

James Payn< no role > Attorney for the Petitioner

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