Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1786

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508120066

Image 66 of 156

To the Worshipful his Majestys Justices
of the Peace for the County of Middlesex in General
Session of the Peace at the Session's House on
Clerkenwell Green Assembled

The humble Petition and Appeal of
the Church Wardens and Overseers of the
Poor of the Parish of Saint Matthew
Bethnal Green in the County of Middlesex


That by Virtue of a Pass Warrant or Order under
the Hands and Seals of St. Hawley< no role > and Robt. Smith< no role >
Esquires two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in
and for the County of Middlesex One whereof being of
the Quorum bearing date the twenty Sixth of May last
John Cotsford< no role > with his five Children and lawful Issue by
his late Wife deceas'd namely John< no role > Aged about thirteen
years Jane< no role > Aged about Eleven years Robert< no role > Aged about
nine Years Benjamin< no role > Aged about Seven Years and Thomas< no role >
Aged about four Years none of which Children have done
any Act to gain a Settlement for themselves was
removed and Conveyed from the Parish of Saint Botolph
without Aldgate in the County of Middlesex to the
said Parish of Saint Matthew Bethnal Green as the
place of the last legal Settlement of said John Cotsford
and his five Children Whereby your Petitioners conceive
themselves to be aggrieved And

Therefore the Appeal to this Court against the Adjudication
of the said two Justices And the said Order and Pray
your Worships will pleased to Appoint some
day in this present Session for the Hearing and
Determination of the said Appeal And to Order that
the Church Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the
said Parish of Saint Botolph Aldgate and all
Persons concerned do then attend this Court

And Your Petitioners shall
ever pray Etc

Jobsh. Cadogan< no role >
Robt. Wrightson< no role > }

Wm Hancock< no role >
B. Butterworth}
Overseers of the

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