Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1786

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508120118

Image 118 of 156

the Peace to be holden for the said County, shall, and they are hereby
authorized and required, from Time to Time, to make One
County, Rate, not only for answering the general Purposes of the
said County, agreeable to the Laws now in being, but also for
answering and paying the several Annuities so to be granted and
charged thereon as aforesaid.

poses of the
County, and
for paying
the Annu

And be it further Enacted, That the said Justices of the
Peace , so assembled as aforesaid, shall from Time to Time ap-
point a Treasurer for receiving and paying the Money to be
advanced for the Purchase of such Annuities as aforesaid, and may
remove any such Treasurer, and appoint another in his Stead;
and the said Justices, assembled as aforesaid, shall, and are hereby
required to take such Security as they shall think proper from
every such Treasurer, for the due and faithful Execution of his
Office, and for accounting to the said Justices for all Money which
shall come to his Hands by virtue of this Act; and may, and are
hereby impowered to make such Allowance to every such Trea-
sure; out of such Money, for his Trouble in the Execution of his
Office, as they shall judge reasonable; any Thing hereinbefore
contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

Justices to ap-
point a Trea-
and to take
Security from

And be it further Enacted, That a fair and just Account of all
Money which shall have been received by the Treasurer to be ap-
pointed as aforesaid in pursuance of this Act, and of the Application
and Disposal thereof, shall from Time to Time be made out by
him, and laid before the Justices assembled at every General and
Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the said County; which Account,
when approved by the Justices so assembled, shall be signed by them,
or any Three or more of them, and deposited with the Clerk of
the Peace for the said County, and kept amongst the Records of
the Sessions of the Peace ; and the said Clerk of the Peace shall
permit any Person, subject to the Payment of the said Rates, to in-
spect the said Account, at any seasonable Time, without Fee or

And whereas the said Justices are seised or possessed, in Trust for
the said County, of certain Ground and Tenemeats now or hereto-
fore let to the Body of People called Quakers, adjoining to the present
House of Correction , and it may be for the Benefit of the Inhabit-
ants of the said County that the said Justices should be impowered
to sell, let out, or otherwise dispose of the same; and also of the
present House of Correction , and the Scite thereof, when the said
intended House of Correction shall be built, and apply the Money

The Justices
may sell cer-
tais Ground
and Premis

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