Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1793

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508810169

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but hamanity, that the Wifeofone of the Prisoners had applied to him
and told him that she had made application to the Secretary of State
to get her Husband and one Jones and one Palmer discharged out of
Clerkenwell Bridewell but that it could not be done without a Certificate
from the apothecary, that he thought hecouldshared not give aparticularpartial Account of
the Prisoners situation,but that he ought to give a particular account of the
Prisoners situation,
but that he ought to give an Account of the whole of the
Lottery people, and upon those Principles intirely he wrote that Certificate and
transmitted it to Mr Gibbes for his approbation and Signature: He was then
asked now he came to state any thing more in the Certificate them related to
the Health of the Prisoners He sayd he thought Humanity obliged him
upon all occasions to endeavour to obtain the discharge of Prisoners at all
times if he could do it, if it were even an hour before their times of
Imprisonment would expire

Resolved it is the opinion of this Committee that any
interference of the Surgeon and apothecary attending the Prisoners in new
prison and Clerkenwell Bridewell in respect to their punishment or
length of Imprisonment is highly improper and that he ought in no case
to Certify any other matter than what relates to the health of the Prisoners &
then only upon receiving a Requisition from Government or the Magistrates of
the County for that purposes and that when any such Requisition should
come officially from Government he ought immediately to lay the same
before the Chairman of the Session.

Resolved it appears to this Committee that the Sick Prisoners
in new prison and the House of Correction at Clerkenwell are attended by
Mr Chamberlayne as the Assistant or deputy to Mr Gibbes the Person appointed
for that purpose by the County and very seldom by Mr Gibbes himself

Resolved it is the Opinion of this Committe that Mr
Gibbes the Surgeon and Apothecary to the New Prison and House of
Correction at Clerkenwell ought to attend the Sick prisoners in the
said Prisons himself and not by Deputy.

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