Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1793

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508810179

Image 179 of 191

By adjt Same day

The followg. Letter from Mr. Gibbes was
Read Vizt

(Here insert Letter Verbatin)

Resolved That the Resignation of
Mr. Gibbs of his Office of Apothecary of the
said Prisons be accepted

A Motion was thereupon made that Jonas
< no role > of Battle Bridge Surgeon & Apothecary
he appointed Surgeon Apothecary to the New Prison
& Clerkenwell Bridewell in the Room of Mr.
Thomas Gibbs< no role > with the [..] Salary of £100
P Annum for his Attendance and Medecines necessary
& proper for the Sick prisoners and that he be
said his Salary Quarterly(as the same has

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