Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1793

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508880077

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[..] ber Session 1793

In the Matter of Bastardy against Thomas
< no role >

William Russell< no role > of Vineyard Gardens in the Parish of Saint
James at Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex Beadle of the said Parish
maketh Oath and saith that he verily believes Elizabeth Phelp (who by her
Examination in writing taken the third day of July last swore hereself to be
pregnant with one or more Bastard Child or Children and that Thomas Lyne< no role >
was the Father of the said Bastard Child or Children) is not delivered he this
deponent having seen and conversed with the said Elizabeth Phelp< no role > on Thursday
the twelfth of September Instant And this Deponent further saith that
he did on the said twelfth day of September serve the said Thomas Lyne< no role > with
a true Copy of the notice hereunto annexed by delivering to and leaving the
same the Wife of his the said Thomas Lyne< no role > at his House in Saint John Street Clerkenwell aforesaid And that did also on the
said twelfth day of September personally serve John Lyne< no role > and William
< no role > (the Sureties for the Appearance of the said Thomas Lyne< no role > )with
each with a true Copy of the Notice hereunto annexed

Sworn in Court this 13th.
day of Septr. 1793}


Wm. Russell< no role >

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