Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1798

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509480113

Image 113 of 219

To the Worshipful this Majestys Justices
of the Peace acting in and for the
County of Middlesex at their General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace assembled

The humble Petitions & Appeal of the Churchwarden
and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Kensington
in the said County of Middlesex


That by Virtue of an Order of Removal under
the Hands and Seals of P: Nonse and N: Conant
Esqrs: two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace
acting in and for the said County Dated the
26th: day of January last Ann Windsor< no role > & wife of James Windsor< no role > & her Infant child named James< no role > more
removed from the Parish of St Luke Chelsea
in the said County of Middlesex to the said
Parish of Kensington as the place of the laid
Legal Settlement of her the said Anns Windsor
and her said Child Whereby your Petitioners conceive themselves
Aggrieved and do Appeal to your Worships
against the said Order.

Wherefore Your Petitioners humbly pray Green
Worships will be pleased to Appoint a day
in this present Session for the hearing and
determining the said Appeal & that all
Parties concerned may be Order is do attend
and to abide and perform such Order as
your Worships shall please to make and
that your Worships will please to give your
Petitioners such Relief in the Premises as
shall be Just

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