Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1798

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509530201

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To the Worshipful William Mainwaring< no role >
Esquire and other his Majesty's Justices of
the Peace assembled at the General Session
of the Peace held at the Session House on
Clerkenwell Green in and for the County of
Middlesex on Monday the tenth day of
September instant in the thirty eighth year
of the reign of King George the third.

The Humble Petition and Appeal of John Goff< no role >
of the Parish of Saint Mary Matfellon otherwise White
Chapel in the County of Middlesex Pawnbroker

Humbly Sheweth

That your Petitioner was on the sixteenth
day of August last convicted before Joseph Moser< no role > Esquire
one of his Majesty's Justices assigned to keep the Peace of
our Lord the King in and the said County and also to hear
and determine divers Felonies Trespasses and other Misdemeanors
done and committed within the said County upon the Information
of James Hallwood< no role > of King Street in the Parish of Saint George
Bloomsbury in the County of Middlesex aforesaid For that
your Petitioner using and exercising the Trade and Business
of Pawnbroker did in the Parish of Saint Mary Matfellon
otherwise White Chapel in the said County of Middlesex on
the twenty ninth day of May in the year of our Lord One
thousand Seven hundred and ninety eight demand receive
and take of and from one Nathaniel Tranter< no role > in the name of
J. Taylor on redeeming the Pawn or pledge hereafter mentioned
the Sum of One penny of lawful Money of Great Britain as
and for and by was of Profit upon three shillings of like
lawful money the same being an intermediate Sum, exceeding
the Sum of two Shillings and Six pence and not exceeding the
Sum of Forty Shillings then to fore (to wit) on the twenty eighth

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