Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1798

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509530202

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day of May in the year of the our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and ninety eight aforesaid lent and advanced by your
Petitioner upon a certain Pann or Pledge (that is to say)
a Pair of Silver Sugar Tongs to the said Nathaniel Tranter< no role >
in the name of J Taylor the said Sum if One penny so
demanded received and taken as a aforesaid being more
than at and after the rate of four pence for the loan of
twenty Shillings by the Calender Month including the
Current Month in which the said Paun or Pledge was
redeemed, contrary to the form of the Statute in such Case
made and provided whereby and by force of the said
Statute your Petitioner had forfeited for his said offence
the Sum of five Pounds and your Petitioner was at the
hearing of the said Information adjudged by the said
Justice to forfeit and pay the Sum of five pounds against
which Judgment your Petitioner appealed and entered
into a recognizance in manner as directed by the Act
to prosecute the said Appeal

Your Petitioner therefore think himself
aggrieved by the Judgment of the said
Justices and humbly prays the Court will
take his Case into Consideration and
appoint a time for the hearing of this his
Petition and Appeal.

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