Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1799

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509580047

Image 47 of 147

AT the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our
Lord the King, holden in and for the County of Middlesex ,
at the Session-House of the said County, ()
on Monday the SeventhDay of Januaryin
the Thirty ninthYear of the Reign of our Sovereign
Lard GEORGE the Third, King of Great Britain, Etc.

The King
William Carpenter< no role > }
On the Prosecution of Sarah Thompson< no role > for an

Upon Reading the Affidavit of Ealand Wilson< no role > Clerk to Wilkes Hawley
Harrison of Burr Street in the Parish of Saint Botolph without
Aldgate in the County of Middlesex Solicitor for the defendant and
[..] to annexed It is Ordered that Notice
[..] of abode of the abovenamed Prosecutrix
[..] be deemed good services (in case the
[..] cannot be found in the mean time)
[..] defendants Appearance do stand Respited

By the Court

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