Westminster Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1799

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMWJPS655160038

Image 38 of 169

to wit.}

At the General Quarter Sessions of
the peace holden in and for the City and
Liberty of Westminster at the Guildhall
in King Street Westminster on Thursday
the 28th. day of March 1799 in the 29th
year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord< no role >
George the the third King of Great
Britain Etc.

The King
Richard Light< no role > }

On the prosecution of William Pares< no role >
for an Assault

It is Ordered, upon reading the Affidavit
of the Defendant Richard Light< no role > that Notice of Trial
to be left at the last place of abode of the above
named prosecutor and also at the Office of the
Clerk of the peace for this City and Liberty for
the first Day of the next Session be deemed good
Service (in Case the prosecutor or his present
abode Caunst be found in the mean time)
and the Recognizance for the Defendant
Appearance do Stand respited upon the
Motion of Mr. Alley< no role >

By the Court


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