City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1766 - 29th December 1766

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652060242

Image 242 of 6868th April 1766

City and Liberty
Westminster the County
of Middlesex }

Informations taken this Eight day of April
1766 at the Parish of St George Hanover Square in
the Liberty of Westmr in the County of Middlesex on an
Inquisition taken on View of the Body of Arthur
Acting lying Dead in the said Parish of Liberty
and County.

Richard Jarvis< no role > Hoye Surgeon at St George Hospital in
the Parish of St George Hanover Square on his Oath saith that on
Sunday last about twelve o Clock at Noon the Deced was
brought to said Hospital as an Accident Says that he
immediately Examined she Deced and found a Wound in
the bend of the Deced left Arm which appeared to have been
given in the a Cutting Instrument and two or three small
wound in his Throat Says that the Wounds were Dressed
and proper care taken of the Deced Says that the Deced
was quite langiud and spent and that he died
yesterday the Seventh of April about two o Clock
and believes the Deceds Death to be caused by the great
loss of Blood from the Wound in the Arm abovementioned

Richd Jervis< no role >

John Hutchinson< no role > of King Street St James Square on lying [..]
Oath saith that Arthur Allcock< no role > the Deced has lodged with
the Deced in the Garret almost half a year last past of [..]
that the Deced has at times been out of order for a consider
him past and particularly of late being confined to his Bed
on Friday & Saturday last Says that he sent his Servant to
the Deced on Saturday night last, that she came down again
sayingthatthat the Deced was very bad and that he had locked
his Garret Door Says that between ten and Eleven o Clock
on Sunday last he this Dept Sent his Maid Servant again with
sine Tea & Forst and butter to the Deced says she soon returned
and said that the Deced told her that he could cot get out of Bed
to open the Door and that this Dept must come up to break
it open Says that he took up the Hatchet immediately and
with it forced open the Door in the Presence of several
persons when he saw in Deced Room upon the Floor
a great Quantity of Blood and a great deal more in
the Bed an d upon the Bed Cloths Says that he asked Deced

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