City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1766 - 29th December 1766

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652060237

Image 237 of 6868th April 1766

City and Liberty of Westminster
in the County of Middlesex }
to Wit.

An Inquisition Indented taken for our Sovereign Lord
the King at the parish of St. George Hanover Square within the Liberty of the Dean and
Chapter of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter Westminster in the County o Middlesex
the Eighth day of April in the Sixth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George
the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender
of the Faith and so forth, before Thomas Prickard< no role > Gentleman, Coroner of our said
Lord the King for the said City and Liberty on View of the Body of Arthur Allcock< no role >
then and there lying dead, upon the Oath of Thomas Coward< no role > Joseph Watson< no role > , Morris Rice< no role > , Isaac Davies< no role > ,
John Watson< no role > , George Bird< no role > , Francis Johnson< no role > , Francis Pierard< no role > , Henry Clement< no role > , George
< no role > , Thomas Cockitt< no role > and Thomas Doswell< no role > good and lawfull Men of the said Liberty
duly chosen who being then and there duly Sworn and charged to inquire for our said Lord
the King when, how, and by what Means the said Arthur Allcock< no role > came to his Death,
do upon their Oath say, That. the said Arthur Allcock, not being of sound Mind Memory and Understanding,
but lunatic and distracted, on the Sixth day of April in the Year aforesaid, at the Parish of St. James
within the Liberty and County aforesaid, with a certain Penknife, which he the said Arthur
Allock then and there had and held in his right Hand, in and upon the left Arm of him the
said Arthur Allcock< no role > , near the Bend thereof, did then and there strike, stab, and penetrate, thereby ther [..]
and there giving unto himself the said Arthur Allcock< no role > , so delirious and out of his Mind as
aforesaid, with the Penknife aforesaid in and upon the said left Arm on mortal Wound, of the
Length of four Inches, and of the Depth [..] Inch; of which [..] sound he the said Arthur Allcock< no role >
from the said Sixth day of April in the Year aforesaid, until the Seventh day of the same Month in the
same Year, at a certain Hospital called St. George's Hospital, in the said Parish of St.George Hanover Square
within the Liberty and County aforesaid, did languish and languishing did live, on which said
Seventh day of April in the Year aforesaid, at the Hospital aforesaid within the Parish
Liberty and County aforesaid, He the said Arthur Allcock< no role > of the mortal Wound aforesaid, did dic [..]
And so the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid, do say, that the said Arthur Allcock, not
being of sound Mind Memory and Understanding, but lunatic and distracted, in manner and
by the Means aforesaid, did kill himself. In Witness whereof as well the said Coroner, as the
said Thomas Coward< no role > Foreman of the said Jurors, on the behalf of himself and the rest of his
said Fellows, in their presence, have to this Inquisition set their Hands and Seals, the day Year
and Place first above written

Tho Prickard< no role > Coroner .

Thos CowardForenoon

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