City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

4th January 1768 - 31st December 1768

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652080264

Image 264 of 53820th June 1768

City & Liberty of
Westmr . in the County
of Middlesex }

Informations taken this Twentieth day
of June 1768 at Tothill Fields Bridewell in
the Parish of St. Margaret within the City and
Liberty of Westmr . in the County of Middlesex
on an Inquisition touching the Death of Rachel
< no role > a Prisoner then and there lying dead.

Sarah Scot< no role > (the Wife of Robert Scot< no role > ) a Prisoner in
Tothill Fields Bridewell on her Oath saith that, She has
been Prisoner there about thirteen weeks, that Rachel
< no role > the Deced was brought Prisoner to said Prison
about two Months agoabout a fortnight agoseemingly in good Health
Says that she continued so, until about a fortnight
ago when she was seized with a violent pain in
her Head, Says that on Thursday last Deced grew
worse, and had a violent Fever and was attend by
Mr. Purdue an Apothecary , who Administred
to me Medicines to the Deced, but Deced died last
Saturday about Twelve o Cock (June 18th.) in said Prison
says that the Deced was not ill used by the Keeper
or his Servants, or any of her Fellow Prisoners in
said prison, and Dept. believes that the Deced died
a Natural Death. Says that the Deced had her
Allowance from the Keeper every day, and lay
in a Bed in one of the Keeper's Rooms in said
Prison during all the time that she was there, excepting
thetwofirst Nights after her coming in

The Mark of
Sarah Scot< no role >

Sworn the Day Year & Place
abovementioned before me
Tho. Prickard< no role > Coroner .}

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