City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1788 - 29th December 1788

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652280219

Image 219 of 8053rd April 1788

Jane Evans< no role > a Lodger in the same
House on her Oath confirms the
Account given by Mr. Margaret
< no role > .

Jane Evans< no role >

Jane Grant< no role > of lower James Street Golden
Square Widow on her Oath saith That
Robert Selby< no role > the Deced even to Lodge in
her House on the twenty fourth day of
March last, being afflicted with the
Goat and chiefley confined at home
and behaving [..] in a very odol
manner Ringing his Bell and when
Dept. went up, Deced was at a loss to
know what he wanted, Says that Deced.
on Tuesday last the first Instant called
by his Bill saying that he was going
away that he paid his Bill but did
not go appearing very much confused
That he was uneasy and troubled
in Mind and locked different
from what he had done before, Says
that he went out about four o'Clock
to Dinner, and returned that Night
about Ten o'Clock, but spoke very
little, Says that Yesterday Morning
Dept. Servant went up to high the
Deced's Fire and soon returned saying
the heard Mr. Selby Rattle in the Throat
and immediately heard some thing for
heavy upon the Floor, upon which she
ordered the Girl to go up Stairs to see
what was the Matter, she came down

immediately much frighten'd saying
that Mr. Selby was on the Floor and
Blood upon him, on which she sent
the Girl to acquaint Mrs. Johnson
who went to the Deced with Mr. Evans
and Dept. likewise went assoon as
she was Dressed and saw the Deced
lying upon the Floor and a great
deal of Blood upon him and about
his Neck, and Dept believes that
the Deced gave himself the Wound
in the Throat of which he died
about Nine o'Clock last Night

Jane Grant< no role >

William Field< no role > of Brewer Street Apothecary
on his Oath saith, That Mr. Ford the
Surgeon Yesterday Morning Sent for
Dept. to come to assist him with the
Deced who had a Wound in his
Throat in length about three Inches
the Deced being insensible, Says that
Mr. Ford Dressed the Wound and died
every think proper but Deced died
about Nine o'Clock last Night in
consequence of the Wound above mentioned

Wm. Field< no role >

William Taylor< no role > at Mr. Myler the N [..]
River Head Islington on his Oath saith
That he saw the Deced on Thursday the
Twenty seventh Instant and Dined
in Company with the Deced at Mr. Mylne
on Tuesday last at both which time
the Deced's behaviour was unlike that
of a Man in his Senses, and Say

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