City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

9th January 1794 - 27th December 1794

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652340771

Image 771 of 78211th December 1794

and in a very distracted State of Mind with his
Accot. Books before him and he endeavoured to
console him and desired him not to despair and
such himself no unhappy and offered to under him
any Assistance in his Person (as the deceased
told him his affairs were in a very bad State)
but it had not the desired Effect for he sumed not
to be collected and [..] very contradictory &
in Cokerently, this Deponent took a verbal
Accot. from him of the State of his Affairs
after which he appear'd to be quite collected
but was determined to here home his hour.
Whereupon it was asrut that this deponent
should by himself convey a Books the Coroner
of the Height or Island about Six o'Clock
same Evening (Vizt. Monday Eve the 22d Indent)
but instead & meeting this Deponent there he was
Gotten upon some Timber about Twenty Yards
from thence which was floating on the water and
when this Deponent round the Boat to him he said
did not Young man upon the Height and this Deponent

Deponent said he did not see any one there upon which
the deceased indead of getting properly into the boat
threw himself into [..] the Boat and
lay flatt upon the Bottom of it, and lay in that
purpose until this Deponent round him to the
opposite Shear, when this Deponent asked in
to inform him hereafter where his Friends might
hear of or find him to which he made no Answer
but went away and this Deponent never saw him

Robert Piper< no role >

John Lewis< no role > of half Moon Street Piccadilly
Surgeon being sworn deposeth that soon after
4 o'Clock this Morning he was sent for to the old
Chesterfield Arms to a Person who had fallen from
a 2pr of Stair Window into the Street and when he came he
found the deceased perfectly insensible with a
Wound in his head and his left Collar Bone brocker
and the he did not discover a Fracture of the Sckull
he is of opinion that this death was occasioned
by the Injury done to the Brain, this deponent
having confirmed with have until he died which

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