City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1799 - 28th December 1799

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652390629

Image 629 of 85724th October 1799

Whereupon I Went to the said Informing and
made the Inspection in the Presence of four
Witnesses that no Proof of Violence appeared
extremally upon the Body of the said Child
which appeared to be at its full Period nor
upon opening the Body could I find any
Cause for its death, or any of these appearances
which are commanly observed upon there
who are drowned and this Imention because
I was informed that it was taken out of the
Water Cistern [..] between three and four about [..] o' Clock
that afternoon, and from there Circumstances
as am tempted to think they the Child
came to its death in a natural Way.

W Morris

Elizabeth Le Ray< no role > of Jermyn Street being sworn
deporeth as follows to Wit That Elziabeth Giggs< no role >
who I believes was a Single Woman has lived with me about five Months, that
of late I suspected she was with Child, but
she said she was not that on Wednesday Evening
last, (the ninth Instant) I was in the said Elizabeth Giggs< no role > Bed
Chamber at which time she was in Bed
and seemed to be very in different, that the
next morning about nine o' Clock she said she
was well though to get up to do her Work
but I told her I did not think she was and
told her to continue in Bed till I sent
for a Doctor, and as soon a I went down Stairs
I sent for Dr. Atkinson and further I know not

Elizth. Le Ray< no role >

Richard Atkinson< no role > of Jermyn Street Apothecary
being sworn deporeth as follows, Namely,
That on Wednesday last the month Instant the
said Elizabeth Giggs called upon me by the
diver as she hired of Mrs. Le Ray and said she was not well
but form her appearance I suspected she was
in the Child, and I our a few Months [..] to took in
a Glass of Water, that the next morning Mrs.
Le Ray sent for one to see the said Elizabeth
< no role > who was the same Person, that I had
sent at any House the preceding day I then
informed Mrs. Le Ray that I thought the said
Elizabeth Giggs< no role > was pregacent, and I then
went with Mrs. Le Ray into the said Elizabeth
Giggs Chamber and after receiving answers to the
Questions I put to her I told Mrs. Le Ray I
was sure that the said Elizabeth Giggs< no role > had been
delivered the during the preceding Night whet
the said Elizabeth Giggs in the most perempts
very manner denied, I desired Mr. Le Ray to
retire which the did, and after I had some
Conversation with the said Elizabeth Giggs

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