City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1799 - 28th December 1799

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652390628

Image 628 of 85724th October 1799

City and Liberty
in the County
of Middlesex }

Informations of Witnesses severally
taken and acknowledged on the behalf
of our Sovereign Lord the King, touching
the Death of a new born Female Child
at the Committee Room in St. James's
Work-house situate in Polard Street
in the Parish of St. James in the Liberty
aforesaid an the fourteenth day of
October in the thirty ninth Year of
the Reign of our Sovereign Lord
King George the Third before me
Anthony Gell< no role > his Majesty's
Coroner for the said City and
Liberty an on Inquisition then
and there taken, on View of the
Body of the said new born Female Child
then and there lying dead, as
follow, to wit.

William Morris< no role > Surgeon in Great Marlbourgh Street
being sworn deporeththatas follows to Wit.
That an Friday last (the eleventh day of October
Instant) I was desired to examine the Body of a Female
Child at Saint James's Infirmary which had been
suspected to have come to its death unnaturally,

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