City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1799 - 28th December 1799

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652390706

Image 706 of 85729th October 1799

City & Liberty
Westminster }

Informations of Witnesses
taken this [..] 29th. days & Octr. 1799
in the Parish of St Margaret
at the House of Henry Fullwood< no role >
the Signed the Rose and Crown
at Kinghtsbridge before Anthony
< no role > Coroner for the sd. City &
Liberty touching the Death of
Saml Baxter< no role > then and there
lying dead as follow to Wit

John Bonham< no role > Keeper of Hyde Park being sworn
deposeth as follows, to Wit, That this day about
10 O' Clock in the Forenoon same Persons who
were by the Serpentine River Hyde Park called
out for the Boat upon which my Son Rowed
the Beat across the River towards them and
I Walked round by the River side to them
and when I Got there I went in to the Boat
and assisted my Son in getting the deceased
out of the River and we laid him upon the
Ground and I went immediately and a Square
[..] Mr. Chandler of Kinght bridge therewith
who ordered the Body to be Conveyed to the
Watch house, an I have heard since that he
was a Porter to Mr. Pilton at No. 28New Bond Vine Street Piccadilly Street

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