St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

22nd January 1787 - 28th February 1792

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358020067

Image 67 of 3902nd April 1788

St. Clement Danes


to wit Sarah Austin< no role > This name instance is in set 551. This set is in the group(s): MothersCD . aged about 30
years upon her Oath saith that she never
was married that she lived as a hired yearly
Servant for 12 Months and upwards at the
yearly Wages of Six Guineasthatwith a
Mr. Dean who kept the Sign of the Bag of
Nails at Pimliea in the Parish of Saint
George Hanover Square in the County
of Middlesex that she hath quitted said
Service upwards of Two years since
which time she has not lived as a hired
yearly Servant for one year or done
any Act to gain a Subsequent Settlement
And further saith that she has one Child
living vizt. Sarah< no role > aged about 6 Months born
a Bastard at the House of a Mr. Taylor
in Houghton Street That George Bell< no role > a
Soldier in the 1st. Regt. of Foot Guards is the
Father thereof

Sworn this 2d. April 1788 Sampr Wright< no role > N Bond

Sarah [mark] Austin< no role >

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