St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

22nd January 1787 - 28th February 1792

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358020072

Image 72 of 3909th May 1788

Saint Clement Danes


to wit Sarah Fisher< no role > aged about 33 years upon
her Oath saith That she was bound an Apprentice by
the Society of Cliffords Inn to a Mr. Patmore of the King
Head in the Old Jewry Victualler for 7 years that
she served about 3 years and an half of her said
Apprenticeship and her Master not Treating her well
she Applyed to the Society of Cliffords Inn and made
her Complaint That upon such Complaint the said
Society got her Discharged - That she has one Child
livingvizt. George< no role > aged about Five weeks not yet baptized

Sworn this 9th. day
of May 1788 before
J Barnfather Mercer

Sarah [mark] Fisher< no role >

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