St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

8th April 1749 - 7th December 1750

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358050280

Image 280 of 39129th June 1750


Mary Harris< no role > aged abt. 20 Yrs. upon
Oath saith that she never was married and
that on the 29th. Day of December last she was
delivered of a male bastard Child in the house of
Mrs. Moore one of the parish Nurses of the
Parish of St Clemt. Danes in the Liberty of Westmr.
which has been baptized Thomas< no role > and became
Chargeable to the sd. parish she being poor & unable
to maintain the same and that one Thomas Tisdale< no role >
a Waterman did beget the said male bastard
Child on her body the sd. Thomas Tisdale< no role > having
had carnal knowledge of this body Examinant
in the month of March 1748 and at several
other times since at one of which times he
got her with Child of the said Male bastard Child
of which she was delivered as aforesaid and that
the sd. Thomas Tisdale< no role > and no other person is the
true and real father thereof

Sworn June 29th.
1750 before} Tho Lane< no role >

Mary Harris< no role >

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