St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

8th April 1749 - 7th December 1750

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358050281

Image 281 of 39112th July 1750


James Villers< no role > upon Oath Says he intermarryed with
his Wife Jane< no role > at the Fleet London abt. Eighteen
Months ago. Says he was Bound an Apprentice to
& Served Seven Years Apprentiship with Capt.
Crawford of Rhode Island in New England Says he
came to England twice during his sd. Apprentiship
and lay on Board the Ship at Cherry Garden Stairs
in the Parish of St. Mary at Rotherhith in the County
of Surry the first time abt. Six Weeks & the Second
time abt. two Months Says he was born in the
backside of St. Clemts. in the Parish of St. Clemt.
Danes where his father Henry Villers< no role > rented a
House of Twenty pounds Year for Twenty Years
& upwards and this Exaiant further Says that
he this Exaiant never rented Ten pounds a Years
pd. parish Taxes was a Covenant Servt. for one Year
or did any act to gaine a Settlemt in any other
plate then the sd. Parish of St. Clemt. Danes Saving
his sd. Apprentiship with the sd. Capt. Crawford

Sworn the 12th. July
1750 before} Tho Lane< no role >

James Villiers< no role >

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