St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th May 1776 - 15th March 1779

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358080163

Image 163 of 36830th July 1777


Elizth- Grimett< no role > aged about 26 Years on her Oath
says she is the Wife of Wm- Grimett< no role > (gone to America
and with whom she Intermarrd- at the parish Church
of St- Andrew Holborn the 1st- of April 1776 and by
whom she hath one Child now living named William
< no role > aged about three Months Says her said
husband was bound an Apprentice to Wm- Clowder< no role >
Sadler & Pocket book Maker in Baldwins Garden
Holborn and served the said Mr- Clowder under
such Indre for the space of four Years or thrabouts
when the said Mr- Clowder gave up his sd- Indres
and that her said husband never was assigned
over to any other Master nor did he ever gain any
other subseqt- Settlemt- either by Renting house
paying Taxes or living a hired Yrly Servant
before Marriage to her Knowl or Belief

Sworn this 30th- Day
of July 1777 before
R Butler Jno. Machin< no role >

Elizabeth Grimmett< no role >

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