St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

24th March 1741 - 2nd November 1742

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358170057

Image 57 of 2796th June 1741


The Examination of John Earle< no role > aged abt. Sixty
Nine Years in the Parish of St. Clemt. Danes in the
County of Middx taken the 6th- Day of June 1741
Who upon his Oath saith that abt. Twenty three
Years ago he lived in & rented a House in St. Clemts.
Church Yard in the sd. Parish of St. Clemt. Danes
of the Yearly Rent of Twenty one Pounds for the
Space of Two Years & immediately after he left
the sd. House he rented one other House in Starr Court
in the sd. Parish of St. Clemt. Danes of the Yearly
Rent of Ten Pounds for the Space of Three Years
or thereabts- & further upon his Oath saith that
he hath not since that Time rented Ten Pounds a
Yr. pd. Parish Taxes lived with any Person as a
Yearly hired Servt. for the Space of one Yr. or otherwise
gained a Settlemt. in any other Place to his knowledge
or beleife & being Poor is not able to maintaine himselfe

Sworne the Day & Year
above menconed before} Samuel Clarke< no role >

John Earl< no role >

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