St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

12th July 1795 - 14th November 1798

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358260227

Image 227 of 37413th November 1797

Saint Clement Danes

Westminster }

to wit Sarah Bury< no role > aged about 27 years
upon her Oath saith that she never was
married That she lived as a hired yearly
Servant with Mr. Dearn a Green Grocer in Vere
Street in the Parish of Saint Clement Danes
in the Liberty of Westminster for Fifteen Months
at the yearly Wages of Four Pounds that she
hath quitted said Service about Twelve years
since which time she hath not lived as a hired
yearly Servant for Twelve Months Rented any
House Tenement a Lodging of Ten Pounds a
year paid Taxes or done any Act Matter or
thing whereby to the best of this Examinants
knowledge Information or belief she might have
gained a subsequent Settlement

Sworn this 13th..
day of Novr. 1797
before me} W Carter

Sarah [mark] Bury< no role >

Witness A W Burbidge Beadle

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