St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

12th July 1795 - 14th November 1798

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358260206

Image 206 of 3747th June 1797

Saint Clement Danes

Westminster }

to wit James Baker< no role > aged about 30
years upon his Oath saith that he
Intermarried with Elizabeth< no role > his present Wife
at the Parish Church of Saint Leonard
Shoreditch on or about the 25th.. day of May
1790 by whom he hath Four Children living Vizt.
James< no role > aged about Seven years Elizabeth< no role > aged
about five years Crispin William< no role > aged about
Four years and John< no role > aged about Two years
That he this Deponent was bound by the Officers
of Egham to one Samuel Easter< no role > of Little Slive Lane
in the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in the County
of Middlesex for the Term of Seven years that
he served his said Master for Three years and
an half when his said Master died that he
this Deponent was then Turned over to one
Mr. Akerman of Butcher Row in the said
Parish of Saint Clement Danes with whom he
served the remainder of his said Apprenticeship
and that after he was out of his said Apprenticeship
he never Rented any house Tenement or Lodging
of Ten pounds a years paid Taxes or done any
Act Matter or thing whereby to the best of his
knowledge Information or belief he might have
gained a subsequent Settlement

Sworn this 7th..
day of June 1797
before me} W Carter

James Baker< no role >

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