St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

17th April 1771 - 15th December 1775

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361000076

Image 76 of 27921st April 1772

The Clerk having laid before this Committee a Bill of Alexander Anderson< no role >
amounting to Forty Pounds for Cleaning this Parish (except the Streets Etc. paved under
the Optional Clause) from Chirstmas to Lady Day last It is Ordered that the same
be transmitted to the Commrs: for Payment and for that purpose this Committee signed
the same.

Signed a Bill of Matthew Chessall< no role > Clerk to this Committee for one years
Salary due to him from Lady Day 1771 to Lady Day last amounting to Eighty Pounds
Also a Bill of Mr. Thomas Banister< no role > Supervisor to this Committee for one years [..]
due to him for the same time amounting to £40 - Also a Bill of William Botney< no role >
Messenger to this Committee for One years Salary due to him for the same time amount
to Ten pounds

Ordered that Mr. George the Collector do pay into the Bank to the account
of the Commrs. for Paving the Sum of Two hundred Pounds to be by them applyed in
Payment of such Bills for Repairing Cleansing and Lighting as have been or shall
be Certified by this Committee and for that Purpose It is ordered that Mr. R [..]
and Mr. Ireland do draw on the Banker

The Committee met pursuant to Adjournment in order to Contract for
Paving Houghton Street and the several Streets Etc mentioned in the Advertisement
from this Committee but not being able so to do Adjourned the same to the 5th. June next
at 5 o Clock

Adjourned to the 5th. June next at five o' Clock

S Rainforth

From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster Etc
Westminster Bridge Office
May 26th. 1772.

Mr. Nixon, Inspector reported that three Yards of Pavement wants to be
repaired in Carter Street, and about Six yards of Purbeck Pavement wants to be
relaid over the New River Water Companies Pipes in Ship yard.

Ordered, That the above Articles be referred to the Committee for the
Parish of Saint Clement Danes .

Geo: Box< no role > , Cl . to the Commrs.

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