St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

17th April 1771 - 15th December 1775

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361000092

Image 92 of 27913th October 1772

will for that purpose meet on Friday the 6th. November next at six o' Clock.

Adjourned to the 6th. Novr. next at 6 o' Clock
Benjn. Stichall< no role >

From the Commrs: for Paving Westmr. Etc
Westminster Bridge Office
Octr. 13th. 1772 .

The Accomptant delivered in an Account of the Expences of the Commision
for the Year ending Lady Day 1772 by which it appears that the Proportion [..]
to be borne by the Parish of Saint Clement Danes in £53..18s..0d

And I am directed by the Commissioners to acquaint you thereof and
request that you do cause a Certificate or Allowance for Payment of the same
be transmitted to the Accomptant within 14 days agreeable to the directions
the Act.

Geo: Box< no role > . Clerk to the Commrs.

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